Shamus, I was raised in it but It's just starting to seem very embarassing to me sometimes. Never mind eh!
Some times it just bowls me over how much the WTS has to answer for in front of God, if he exists.
hi everyone, i want to let you know that sometimes i feel ashamed of what i fell for regarding the jws.
its so clear now sometimes i actually feel embarrassed.
when i listen to recordings of assemblys - you know when they really get off on one, you cant help but see and feel the underlying cult propagated information thats being taught.
Shamus, I was raised in it but It's just starting to seem very embarassing to me sometimes. Never mind eh!
Some times it just bowls me over how much the WTS has to answer for in front of God, if he exists.
having to knock on strangers doors, giving a talk in front of an audience, being questioned by the elders, having to go to 5 meetings???....etc.
and the winner is------------
Walking on eggshells in my own head! - to avoid thinking about anything.
hi everyone, i want to let you know that sometimes i feel ashamed of what i fell for regarding the jws.
its so clear now sometimes i actually feel embarrassed.
when i listen to recordings of assemblys - you know when they really get off on one, you cant help but see and feel the underlying cult propagated information thats being taught.
Hi everyone, I want to let you know that sometimes I feel ashamed of what I fell for regarding the JW’s. It’s so clear now sometimes I actually feel embarrassed. When I listen to recordings of assembly’s - you know when they really get off on one, you can’t help but see and feel the underlying cult propagated information that’s being “taught”. The reason why I am feeling this more than usual is because I am writing an electronic track for my final CD at college to get me into Uni and one of the tracks has assembly quotes about 1975 amongst other things and it takes a hell of a lot of replaying and editing to get things sounding “proper”.
Could anyone tell me, did you feel like this? Where does it lead, if you know what I mean?
be wise.
there are so many things that you can't do if you are one of jehovah's witnesses.
for example, you can't salute the flag or stand for the national anthem.
can you think of different things you can't do if you're a witness??
You can do anything ...just wait ...not yet ...not in this wicked system, must punish yourself first ...remember JW's, the worse you can make yourself feel now the closer you are to the end bet ya!
district assembly 5/24/03 3:40 pm "beware of the voice of strangers".. 1) counterfeit words: beware of those using "counterfeit words".
2) flirting: young ones need to avoid being lured into relationships with un-believers.. 3) you trust your christian parents...listen to them.
you also trust those taking the lead among you..such as elders.
There is a light that never goes out, no matter how hard dictators try.
people have touched on this subject in other posts.....
i was just wondering ..... has there ever been anything good come about thanks to christianity?.
all i can think of is oppression, torture, hypocrisy, etc....... .
Religion has always been an easy thing to use to control people into doing what they want. It has been an easy tool for war and properganda and control. Actually, I was just going to defend religion but I've just talked myself out of it. Well not religion, it's personal belief that needs protecting apart from religion.
I don't think men can be trusted, it has to be regulated by the state or something (an idea I heard recentley that made a lot of sense). It needs a body that's it's answerable to, so people can be heard and things can be properly regulated.
hi my name is susie.
i was a jw never baptized though for 12 years until my aunt was d'fed and my mother said she would not stop talking to her sister.
so she has disassociated herself at the smae time that is now going on 12 years ago.
Hi Susie, sounds like another good experience has come out of a bad one.
This is good news. WELCOME .
at the last district convention, the book "worship the only true god" was released intended to be used along with the "knowledge" book on home bible studies.
both books are to be studied before baptism.
so, what are the 'new recruits' learning?
Thankfully, we know that they are not, yet there is still 6 million plus poor people out there that we must try to reach. I have had numerous discussions with several Witnesses about it all, reaching them is easy. It is a matter of whether or not you can penetrate their mental pattern, in order to release them from this terrible spiritual bondage. Some, even when presented with these facts, simply chose to ignore them, being caught up with the mutterings of old men.
Hi Hamas, I used to feel the same way but if you sit back and think for a moment you realise that there's is not that much to it. We know the JW's first priority is the organisation whether they actually realise that fact or not.
There are many reasons why people stay in this Org, some are very simple.
1, It's a very comfortable place to be if your concience can be persuaded. Or should I say a very uncomfortable place to be if you decide to leave, so people don't.
2, All responsability is taken away from the individual. Many elders and people in postions of responsability somehow can justify that abuse in there family is OK even if they are the perpetrators because they live by God's merciful standards and not the worlds (it's taking the worlds 'satanic' standards to change even those of the WTS).
3, They can preach one thing and do another. I saw a JW I know recentley in a club wrecked out of their head just going up to people she didn't even know and they were just looking at her. The JW is married with Kids and she was snogging some other bloke, falling over. Now I know JW's don't agree with this sort of behaviour but it goes to prove what they are led to doing and the extent to which they will go, much worse than anybody else on this planet. If they could be shown that there lives are not really sad and worthless who knows what they would be outside the Org.
4, It doesn't matter if you have a shit life. Sad but true. The fact is it will always be shit if you stay with the organisation. The only way they can fight this is by making your life look even shiter and everything else like a waste of God's space and a product of the devils.
RESULT - people will eventually leave of there own accord if they're worth there weight in depression and JW related problems and will get help and start to live, as for the rest ...well, we've all been there! but we can help just by being here, I know I was in an unbeleivable way, if I look back even for a moment.
i've known for years that if i was visited at my home by jehovah's witnesses, i would have become a do not call.
i would have firmly but politely told the witnesses to never come back to my door and bother me again.
since i was raised "in the truth", i learned the religion from infancy. the way, I think we'll have to think of another name for 'apostates it's getting very boring!
i've known for years that if i was visited at my home by jehovah's witnesses, i would have become a do not call.
i would have firmly but politely told the witnesses to never come back to my door and bother me again.
since i was raised "in the truth", i learned the religion from infancy.
Again, born into it and when I got older it just got to much and so I just gradually stopped going. Then I decided to deprogram myself, thought it was the best option for my mental health; felt very bad to say the least. Never read any so-called apostate books, literature or visited any websites, just did it for my own good. (Didn't start to heal until I got the help I needed, though.) Basically what I'm trying to say is they can't hook shit on me! I think they always expected me to come back. I'm always very polite when I meet any elders but now they're finding out what I know and think it's turning into a different story for them I think.